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Installation Guide

Dependencies Installation

Please ensure that you have the following packages installed and configured in your project:

You can install Krait via Composer by running:

composer require mtrdesign/krait

Then, you should finish the installation by running:

php artisan krait:install

Successful installation

After running the above two commands, you should have all dependencies installed. If you experience any issues, please check if the packages has been added to the following files:

        "dependencies": {
            "@mtrdesign/krait-ui": "^1.0.0"
        "require": {
            "mtrdesign/krait": "^1.0.0"

Important Note: Both package versions should match each other.

The final steps is to run the migration:

php artisan migrate


You can check the krait migration file and update the users table index columns if needed.

Front-end Configurations

After we install all required packages, we should attach the Krait plugin to our Vue application.

Take a look at the example app.js file. And implement the code in your project.

// Importing the Krait Vue plugin
import Krait from "@mtrdesign/krait-ui";

// Importing the autogenerataed tables module
import tables from './components/tables'

 * ... Here you initialise your VueApp ...
 *     const app = Vue.createApp({});

app.use(Krait, {
    tables: tables

The php artisan krait:install command from the previous section creates the resources/js/components/tables directory and its index.js file for listing all available tables.

Automatically generated resources in /resource/js/components/tables

You should not update the resources/js/components/tables/index.js file manually. All updates there are handled by the back-end functionality and the CLI commands.

If you have updated it for some reason, please run the following command to fix the module state:

php artisan krait:refresh

The last step is to inject the krait js additional resources to your app head HTML element.

<html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
    <title>My Awesome Project</title>
    {{ \MtrDesign\Krait\Krait::js() }}

My First Table (check if everything is configured)

To generate your very first table and check if everything works as expected, run the following artisan command:

php artisan krait:table MyFirstTable 

And ensure that the following files are created successfully:

  • /app/Tables/MyFirstTable.php
  • /app/Http/Controllers/Tables/MyFirstTableController.php
  • /resources/js/components/tables/MyFirstTable.vue