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Table Columns


All columns are internally represented by the TableColumnDTO class. We define the columns inside our Table Definition Classes using the column method. Here is the list of all parameters that can be assigned to specific column.

protected column(
    string $name,
    string $label,
    bool $hideLabel = false,
    bool $datetime = false,
    bool $sortable = true,
    bool $fixed = false,
    string|null $classes = null,
    callable|null $process = null,
    callable|null $sort = null
): void


Parameter Type Description
name string The columns name
label string The columns label
hideLabel bool Flags if the label should be visible in the header.
datetime bool Flags if the column contains datetime object.
sortable bool Flags if the column is sortable.
fixed bool Flags if the column is resizable.
classes string|null Additional classes that will be added on FE.
process callable|null The column result generation callback.
sort callable|null The column sorting callback.

TableColumnDTO Description

DTO Object for handling consistent column generation.

  • Full name: \MtrDesign\Krait\DTO\TableColumnDTO

TableColumnDTO Methods


public __construct(
    string $name,
    string $label,
    bool $hideLabel = false,
    bool $datetime = false,
    bool $sortable = true,
    bool $fixed = false,
    string|null $classes = null,
    callable|null $process = null,
    callable|null $sort = null
): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$name string - The column name.
$label string - The column label.
$hideLabel bool - Flags if the label should be visible.
$datetime bool - Flags if the column contains datetime information.
$sortable bool - Flags if the column is sortable.
$fixed bool - Flags if the column is resizable.
$classes string|null - Sets FE style classes.
$process callable|null - Sets the result processing callback.
$sort callable|null - Sets the records sorting callback.


Processes one record.

public process(mixed $model): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$model mixed the target resource data


Sorts records.

public sort(mixed $records, string $direction): mixed


Parameter Type Description
$records mixed - The records.
$direction string - The sorting direction.


Flags if the column has processing callback assigned.

public hasProcessingCallback(): bool


Returns the column represented as array.

public toArray(): array