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What is Krait?

Krait is a robust Laravel package that streamlines the generation of Ajax Dynamic DataTables. Developed as a combination of VueJS components and PHP functionalities, it automates the development of front-end and back-end resources via simple CLI commands. The package is capable of generating a comprehensive set of controllers, routes, Vue components, and table definitions with a single command:

php artisan krait:table MyAwesomeTable

All the Resource Linking happens behind the scenes for you and you should think about the data processing and representation only.


Front-End Dynamic Tables

All front-end tables include the following features out of the box:

Resizable columns

All columns in the front-end are resizable by default. To make a column fixed, you should explicitly flag it as fixed in the Table Definition Class.

Resizable Columns

    function initColumns() {
            name: 'some_fixe_column',
            label: 'Some Fixed Column',
            fixed: true,

Visible Columns Selection

All columns are visible by default but the user can manually hide some of them using a dropdown. Visible Columns Selection

Columns Reordering

The user can manually adjust the order of the table columns. The order will be saved in the database and reused.

Reordering Columns

AJAX Pagination Fetching

All table-related actions are Ajax-based so the end-user table operations are faster without the need of page reloading. The Items Per Page setting is adjustable via dropdown.

Columns Sorting

All columns in the front-end are sortable by default. To make a column not sortable, you should explicitly flag it as sortable: false in the Table Definition Class.

Sortable Columns

    function initColumns() {
            name: 'some_fixe_column',
            label: 'Some Fixed Column',
            sortable: false,

Per-user Preview Configurations

Krait saves all user preview preferences in the database. Whenever a user hides/resizes/reorders columns, the updates are saved and reused the next time that user opens the table.

When Should I Use Krait?

Two factors should be taken into account when answering this question:

  • The package handles the creation of all resources and their linking out-of-the-box.
    • that helps you focus on the more important parts (defining processing data callbacks, fetching records, etc.)
    • that provides you with already-tested back-end functionality
  • The front-end uses VueJS components so the data is represented in an async (Ajax) way.
    • as all filtering, sorting, and pagination processes use Ajax, the whole table gets faster
    • that helps you to develop more dynamic table content

The package is suitable for:

  • Projects that serve massive datasets to the end-users
  • Projects that contain complex tables
    • with more dynamic front-end elements
    • with complex callbacks for pre-processing the shown data